Not Much to Say

I’ve had several posts get eaten today, which is okay since I don’t have much to say anyway. I’ve been reading and working and planning for my trip. Somehow it seems trite to worry about what books to bring with me to Barcelona when some people don’t have homes anymore. But I am open to suggestions. Anything you think I should read on vacation? (to try to appease my guilty feelings, here’s the Red Cross link for donations.)

5 thoughts on “Not Much to Say

  1. DH

    I’ve not seen mention of either on your sight, so I recommend Hannah Tinti’s Animal Crackers or Ander Monson’s Other Electricities.


  2. Janet Taylor

    If you’re going to Barcelona, try Carlo Ruiz Zafon’s Shadows of the Wind. Or Rebecca Pawel’s Death of a Nationalist. Both are novels of crime; comelling and well written so they’ll hold your attention even if you’re in the middle seat on the plane!


  3. bookdwarf

    Thanks for the recommendations guys. I’ve read the Zafon (loved it), but haven’t read any Pawel yet. And DH, I’ve not read either of the books you mention. Will have to check them out.


  4. Max

    When I went to Barcelona two years ago, I wanted to read a novel set in Barcelona while I was there. I was able to find a funny little book called The Lonely Hearts Club by a guy named Raul Nunez. I didn’t love it, but looking back it was very cool to read a book that was set in the very streets I was exploring each day. I wrote about the book here.


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