Tuesday Links

  • I’m just now getting around to reading Liesl Schillinger’s review of Atmospheric Disturbances. I was surprised at the amount of people who chimed in to agree with my assessment of the book (5 seems like a lot to me). Schillinger’s review does seem a bit wide-eyed at the idea that a woman wrote the novel. I’m not sure I’m as offended as Pinky, but mostly because I’m becoming accustomed to the sexism in the literary world. Novels written by women are treated one way and those written by men another. I await the fury.
  • Over at the NPR website, Nancy Pearl has a nice list of books to bring while traveling. I’d also include a debut novel that’s coming out at the end of the month called Glimmer Palace by Beatrice Colin. Set in Berlin at the beginning of the 20th century, you follow illegitimate orphan Lilly Nelly Aphrodite find her way in the world. I started it at lunch yesterday and basically read until I finished it last night. Great stuff about the first world war and the run up until the second.
  • Another interview with David Wroblewski! Whoo!
  • Does anyone else find it ironic that Harper One, the religious arm of Harper Collins, will publish The Green Bible, a bible for the environmentalists this Fall? According to the Book Bench it will be printed on 10% recycled paper! There’s something odd that all of the publishers are jumping on the Green bandwagon and printing more books about the subject thereby making the problem worse. And 10% recycled paper? That’s the best they could do?

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Links

  1. Suzanne

    Thanks for including the David Wroblewski interview, I’ve just started reading Sawtelle.

    BTW, I took a look at the list of books you’ve read so far in 2008. I’m wondering, how do you choose what books you’ll read?



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