God bless us every one!

Ahem, excuse me. I got a little choked up reading this article on the wonders that are good independent bookstores. Granted, this is from a paper in the UK, but I think applies here in the US as well. My store is very much like the London Review Bookshop. We “try to filter out some elements of the mass market which the chains are better equipped to promote.” We rely on good selection, good staff, and good atmosphere. And it’s worked. We’ve been around for over 70 years!

2 thoughts on “God bless us every one!

  1. scarecrow

    I’m lucky enough to live quite near to the London Review bookshop and I can assure you it is everything and more. The only bookshop in London that cares about the great, late writer Ann Quin (google her, Dalkey press, a true genius). Anyway, if you’re ever over, GET YOURSELF TO THAT SHOP!!!!!!!

    Cheers conrade.


  2. Sandra

    I second that. The LRB bookshop seems to strike every intelligent reader as if the shop had been designed with them (and only them) in mind. Not only does it have the best books, it has the books you’ve not yet heard of but which you know instantly are the next ones you want to read. A genius of a place and some fabulous author events too.


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